So this blog is not like my usual theological, pastoral themed blogs but the experience of today's adventure was much too humorous not too share. Now if you are not from Idaho, this will make little to no sense, but I will do my best to lay out the scenerio as vividly as possible so that whomever may stumble upon this can grasp the fullness of this experience. Who knows maybe where ever you are from, you have people who fall into this category of drivers. Ah yes, I said drivers. Let me paint the picture for you...
Today was like any normal day, heading to my place of employment. Well I am exiting off the Eagle exit and merging onto the freeway only to hear this repeated horn honking at me. My first thought was maybe it was someone I knew (because everyone in Idaho knows each other I swear!), and I was merging the way the law instructs to, so I didn't see any other reason for the horn honk. As I looked closer at this little blue Ford Focus hatchback close in on me, I had come to realize that I did not know this person behind the wheel and yes, they were honking at me...for merging!!! They did not slow down to allow me to merge, nor did they
get into the vacant lane right next to them, yet they continuously honked their horn at me as if I was breaking the law by merging onto the freeway. I did not get angry, mainly because I saw the driver and its passenger; a little old man and his little old wife with their blue and white handicapped sticker proudly hanging from their rear view mirror. I slow down and allow them to pass and I glance at their license plate, which was merely icing on the cake...yup, you guessed it Idahoans...2C!!!!!
Triple threat behind that wheel!!! So why do I entitle this piece "The Antichrist"? Well my good friend and laborer in the faith, Jake Lee, has a term for a 2C driver with a handicapped sticker and by now you may have guessed what that might be. The reasoning: because they bring death and destruction to all! haha! As us Idahoans know, 2C drivers already are crazy drivers...if you come to Boise and you get cut off, almost run off the road, etc... check the license plate. (2C represents the county that the vehicle is registered in, this particular one is Canyon County) Maybe where you're from you can relate to this, especially if you are from California. Anyway I thought I would share my encounter on my way to work today! haha! It certainly brought laughter to my heart.
r: In no way was this intended to offend the elderly nor the handicapped, but maybe the Canyon County drivers!! lol
Bad words for them all! I'm telling you, it's such a challenge not to run them off the road. OK, mostly kidding, but I've had MANY similar run-ins with this kind of driver!