"Oh Back to School"
Posted by simplisticthoughts , Monday, August 25, 2008 8:43 AM
"Oh back to school, back to school, to prove to dad that I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight, oh back to school."
Good ol' Billy Madison there, in a way though I kind of feel like an adult trying to go back to school again (well okay I am, but you get the point...hopefully). I start Boise State again tomorrow and I really am excited for what God wants to do with me there! I am so grateful for second chances- let me give you a little synopsis of my first experience with BSU. I was just graduated from high school (02') and like most people, went to college right away and I might I add that I had the greatest of intentions when I first started out. I started out okay but as time progressed and the classes got harder as well as my partying, class didn't seem like much of a priority for me. I scheduled everything in my life at that time around 3 things: snowboarding, partying and work. I had class early in the morning (big mistake), snowboarded the rest of the day til work on the mountain in the evening and then partied all night. And let me reiterate, it is not easy going to class still buzzed from the night before or morning of! I started skipping a lot because I was so exhausted, but of course I didn't sacrifice anything else. I probably would have skipped out on work if I didn't need it to pay the bills. Well I managed a full year of school by that routine and of course landed myself on
academic probation. That next fall I decided to take a semester off to make sure that school was what I really wanted to do. Spring semester rolls around and I decide to give it another whirl and re-take some of the classes that I failed only now all motivation quickly diminished and I stopped going altogether. Disclaimer: If you make the decision to not go to school or class, do so before the withdrawal date, that way you don't fail every single class and it winds up on your permanent record.

Four years has passed since I last roamed that campus as an actual student and a lot has happened in those four short yet long years. The last three, God has radically encountered my life and set me on solid footing and for the first time since school I have restored hope and excitement for that campus. I see a future and something new to work towards in life. I am excited to meet new people and leave a positive and lasting impression in their life. I now have something to offer them besides snowboard tips and keg stand records. That hope is Jesus and I really want to be bold and courageous. I want any and all fear to vanish. I was a little bit scared that since it's been so long since I really buckled down in school that I wouldn't be able to get the job done or that I wasn't smart enough, but I know this is God's will for me at this season of my life and you know, He's called me there for a reason. I really am brimming with excitement at this new opportunity. It hasn't hit me yet that I am officially back in school and officially finished with interns! So pray for me this year, pray for all of us going back and hey, when you see us, encourage us! :)
Hey my beautiful friend! I Am getting more and more excited now that it has all officially started! you are going to rock this year. and believe me if you can pull off a B in philosophy livin like you were, I think that with Jesus you might make the dean's list. :) I love you so much and am glad that you're embarking on this jouney with me.