So just when I had thought my Alaskan blogs had come to a close, my last day proved otherwise. So, there I was driving the bus back from shuttling the Noon Wilderness trip to the put in, talking on my phone to Princess Tour Desk manager Leslie, when in mid conversation, she cuts me off to ask me if our boatyard was on fire. Since I last saw it, there was no fire so I had hoped in my absence it didn't catch fire. Our conversation was cut short with a series of "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh...Brittany, there's a fire heading towards our tour buses, I've got to go!" ...click. Dumbfounded, I put the bus pedal to the metal and booked it down the highway back to the office to inquire about this fire.
I call our office manager Sara Mae, who was at the boatyard at the time to fill me in where Leslie had left off. Mine and Sara's conversation proceeded as followed:
Me: "Sara Mae, what's g"oing on?! I talked to Leslie and she said something about a fire at the boatyard?
Sara Mae: "Dude, there's a big fire behind the boatyard that is heading this way if the wind changes at all! We're evacuating all our stuff, what do you want me to grab?!"
Me: "No way, crazy!! All my bags are already packed in my room, just grab those!!"
Sara Mae: (frenzied) "I'm on it!!"...click.
I inform our other office girl, Tabitha, that I am grabbing a crew rig and heading back to the boatyard to see what is truly going on and to grab anything that needed to be grabbed. So, here I am, driving this beat up, "drive by shooting" looking van with a trailer attached going as fast as I can- I get over the hill and there it is; a huge cloud of smoke right in the vicinity of our boatyard! I get to camp and the fire appears to be about 100 yards east behind our living quarters with a wind blowing north (definite favorable wind direction). I get in my room and literally it is spotless, Sara Mae did a more than adequate job of evacuating my stuff...if you ever need to evacuate in a hurry, she's your gal. I found Sara Mae up at the Chevron in the photo person's Subaru chock full of mine and hers belongings.
Fortunately, the people of Healy, along with our raft guides responded quickly and hastily to get the fire quenched. Helicopters were flying in from every direction dropping water on the fire lines. People in bulldozers were knocking down trees to make a fire line, etc...even the coal mine people brought in there ginormous water tank! Needless to say, the fire was put out without too much damage. They say the source of the fire was from a squatter's campfire that was improperly put out. At least it provided an eventful last day of work and left me with another story to write home about. And remember kids, "only you can prevent forest fires!"

So, I have been gathering a list of personal accomplishments from this summer's endeavors- a list of things that a year ago I probably never saw coming. It does prove to me that ALL things are possible through Christ...you can call what you will, but in my minds eye, that's how I perceive it to be. Here is a brief list of challenges, firsts and tasks I learned/accomplished this summer...
*Moving somewhere out of state on my own for the first time.
*First time in Alaska
*Wilderness Responder certified- how to treat and rescue people injured in the wilderness.
*Emergency Trauma Technician certified- how to bandage and treat trauma victims.
*Advanced First Aid and CPR certified
*Swift Water Rescue certified- rescue victims in whitewater including how to tie different knots, make Z drags, flip rafts, etc...
*Studied and passed all my written exams for certifications, Alaskan Driver's license, Commerical Driver's license permit and Passenger Endorsement written test.
*Passed my CDL driver's test.
*Learn how to drive a bus, dock a bus and parallel park a bus.
*Degrease bus engines
*Learned and trained to be a guide.
*Hiked MT Healy
*Had an encounter with a grizzly bear and lived to tell about it :)
*First time in a small engine plane
*Got to fly around the largest mountain in N. America- Denali/Mt. McKinley
*Got better at driving a manual :)
*Experience daylight 24 hrs a day
*Finally can back up a trailer!
And most importantly, I truly realized my dependency on Christ- He is my source of all things. This list may not seem like much to some people, but it means a lot to me. My, how four months can fly by when you're having fun and being challenged. I recommend that all of you dream BIG, recount all that you've accomplished and reflect on who was your source of strength, encouragement and wisdom. Denali National Park, Alaska- Summer of 2010...you will forever remain in my heart!

The gap from my time up here til my departure is dwindling each day and reality is assuredly setting in. At times, the monotony of work can easily cause me to forget exactly where I am living. Alaska is unlike any other place in the world, especially in the United States. From its limited road system, limited indoor plumbing and running water to the active volcanoes, glaciers, animal population, etc... it truly fits its title "The Last Frontier". I have stopped myself on occasion to simply be still and allow the mountains and scenery around me to captivate my senses, at that moment, I am filled with absolute awe- its completely mind blowing and I haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg yet(no pun intended, lol). I have learned and experienced a lot on my journey in the far north, an experience that will never be forgotten.
The other day, I was helping an elderly gentleman out of his dry suit who seemed a bit absent minded and was traveling solo- I asked him if he enjoyed his raft trip and was enjoying Alaska. He looked me kindly in the eyes and spoke with pure contentment and told me that this was a check off his bucket list. We have many "bucket listers" up here and the guides kind of joke about that term, but what it really means are people's dreams being fulfilled. It's a beautiful thing to look into the eyes of someone who accomplished a life-long dream. I wouldn't say that coming to Alaska is a check off my bucket list, but it certainly was an opportunity afforded to me that many people only dream of and for that I am truly blessed and filled with a sense of gratitude. I definitely want to come back to explore more of this incredible state- it offers so much and with its massive size, it really could take a life time to see all of it- maybe that will be something for my bucket list.
I really wanna thank all the wonderful people I had the opportunity to meet and get to know. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of your life- all of you will forever have a special place in my heart. This season of life certainly has been the beginning markings for more doors to open and has allotted me the confidence to make those first steps!

Famous journalist Horace Greeley spoke on the issue of slavery, making the powerful statement: “Enslave a man and destroy his ambition, his enterprise, his capacity.” I read this quote while reading a novel about the Civil War and the events that led up to the division of early America, as many of us learned in high school history, the issue of slave labor was a big discussion and many would claim that it was the reason behind the dissension. Slavery and slave labor certainly isn’t a new idea or was a recent development, although in western cultures when we think of slavery, our picture of it is of Africans brought over on the Middle Passage and forced to work on cotton plantations- without rights and having minimum benefits as in living accommodations and food. Slavery has been an institution since the dawn of time- many to most civilizations were started and thrived on slave labor. I think that it would be safe to say that most groups or ethnicities all at some point have reaped the pangs of slavery in some shape or form.
As I read Greeley’s powerful statement, it really sunk in the powers of slavery can have over a person’s identity and what they are capable of. The word “capacity” in his quote somewhat echoed through my thoughts, the dictionary defines capacity as “the ability to perform or produce; the maximum production possible…the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior.” Enterprise can be defined as “the readiness to embark upon new ventures” and ambition meaning “a cherished desire…strong drive for success”. It’s flabbergasting the destruction power of slavery over an individual’s future and handicapping their potential to grow into the fullness of who they were created to be.
Spiritual slavery is in the same category and I would be as bold enough to say that it is worse than being physically in slavery. When you are in spiritual slavery, many times, you don’t know that you are in it and when you do recognize its hold on your life, it can be difficult to find freedom on your own (don’t believe me, talk to anyone who’s ever struggled with a real addiction). In the Bible, God makes His opinion very clear on the subject of slavery. In fact, God is extravagant when it comes to releasing you from slavery- in any form it takes shape in. He parted an entire sea and guided the Israelites to safety so they could escape the oppressive chains of slavery in Egypt. God is adamant about your freedom because He sees the detrimental effects the shackles of slavery have upon His children. So what slavery may you find yourself in? Well Paul talks in Romans about how you are a slave to whatever you choose to obey- obedience can be defined as “to submit or conform in action to”. Here’s to list of few things that can enslave you spiritually but not limited to: depression, alcohol, drugs, sex, anxiety, fear, codependency, relationships, abuse, anger, bitterness, religiosity, self image, unforgiveness…just to name a few. All of these can cripple you- cripple you in your future, your identity, your relationships and your capacity (what you’re able to accomplish). Don’t be discouraged, because there is hope- there is a God who is passionate about freeing you from destructive habits and mindsets. You can’t change what you tolerate- don’t tolerate spiritual bondage in your life. I hear excuses like “well, that’s just how I was made” or “I can’t change”- don’t get comfortable in your habits because there is life waiting. “We were meant for better things; things that come with salvation” Hebrews 6:9. Come to Christ and He’ll part the seas to get you to a position of freedom, I know, because He did it for me and is still doing it!
So I realized in my boredom at the office, that I never documented my treacherous encounter with a mighty grizzly bear, barely escaping death. Okay, so it wasn't that extreme, but it is still pen worthy.
About a month or so ago, several of my raft cohorts and I ventured off into the great Denali National Park in search of adventure, excitement and to mess with tourists. When I say mess with tourists, I mean, pulling off to the side of the road, getting out of the car and pointing out into the tundra as if an animal was in sight. We would do this as oncoming cars would come near and watch as they too would pull over to investigate what it was we were so excited about. We greeted these people with bursts of laughter because our plan had worked, people are so gullible, lol. I laugh because I know that I would fall for the same prank, I may be a seasonal employee but I really am just as much of a tourist as anyone else is, I mean, I too carry around a fanny pack up here. In the park, you can drive your own vehicle in as far as 15 miles to a turn out at Savage River- anything after that point you have to take a shuttle tour that the park offers. We parked at the turn out and took some of the hiking trails along the river. It was so gorgeous! So many colors- bright greens, lavenders, yellows... It was a great place to explore! Some went off on their own rogue adventure, while a few still stuck together.
Sara Mae, K.Lo and I walked along the river and we noticed a lone grizzly bear coming over the hill about 30 yards of where we were standing. A bit of panic sets in and all the training we had went out the window! lol Actually, mine and Sara's concern was the fact that her and I were both experiencing the female curse and all I could think about was that scene in Anchor Man where Brick says that females periods attract the bears...maybe he was right! haha! As soon as we sighted the bear, our coworker Flood pops his head up from a rock, waving at us completely unaware that a grizzly bear is literally standing right behind him. We motion for him to look behind him, and what does he do? Looks around, sees the bear and runs! Pretty much everything your NOT supposed to do. Sara Mae and I take the speed walkers position and tried to move as quickly as we could but without running. Picture the people you see in the morning, speed walking around the Boise Towne Square Mall...yeah, that was us. Sara Mae is yelling at K.Lo to get moving because he is more concerned about getting photos of the mighty beast than he is about his own personal safety...it's always the tourist taking the photos that gets mauled. This isn't a petting zoo people! The bear starts getting closer, but wasn't showing any signs of aggression yet more of a curiosity. Aggressive or not, I didn't want to give him the opportunity to show it if he so decided.
We got a safe distance away and pretty much left our other coworkers for dead, they were no where in sight. Apparently, Anthony and Noah hid behind a large boulder and Dylan, who was perched high above us, watched all of us scatter like a bunch of scared school girls...not knowing we encountered a bear though. We found Flood, he had practically ran all the way back to the car. Eventually, we all reconvened back at the car, everyone intact and with a great story to share. Here is one of the photos K.Lo was able to retrieve!

Yesterday, I got the incredible opportunity to go with a local flight tour company, Fly Denali, and witness the summit of Denali (which means "the Great One", also referred to as Mt. McKinley) first hand! The whole experience was so surreal and filled with favor. I got to go for free and they put me as co-pilot, I had a front seat view of the entire expedition. My heart was pumping as I crawled into that front seat, staring down at the control panels and steering wheel. Immediately I understood why people fall in love with flying, such an incredible feeling of freedom. I put my headphones on and felt as if I was a kid playing dress up and felt as if I could suddenly take control of the plane...don't worry, I didn't!
The engine fired up and we began down the runway to begin our journey, I was completely twitterpated!
I was so overwhelmed with excitement, I could hardly speak...I couldn't make conversation, everything I said sounded so mindless. In all honesty, I didn't really want to talk, I wanted to sit there and breathe in this experience; this once in a lifetime opportunity. As co-pilot though, I felt a bit obligated to say something, especially considering no one else was really saying much besides the pilot, who I sensed wanted some interaction to take place. Everyone I believe, was in the same state I was in...awe and amazement.
Denali soon began to show its glorious summit from a distance and anticipation was building...oh how I love the mountains, especially large, snow capped ones!! All of a sudden, there she was...razor sharp peaks, crevases left and right, crowns left from avalanches, footprints from previous expeditioners, layers of ice and snow...so many natural processes going on, plus Denali is still growing everyday! We flew around the mountain in each direction, hardly able to see all that it really is. I can only imagine the experience the climbers have, what a wonderful opportunity that would be to have such an intimate part of the mountain. I don't forsee that in my future, but who knows ;)
I was so blessed by this opportunity, it certainly will never be forgotten. I wanna thank those at Fly Denali, my pilot Trent and Leslie at Princess for hooking up this trip for me! God, you are in the details...what an awesome Creator you are!
It's been awhile since I have added an update...I know that you all have been eagerly awaiting another post and when I say all of you, I mean whoever reads this babbling nonsense :) A lot has happened within a short time span, I've learned a lot on so many different levels. I've been pushed, tested, discouraged, encouraged, faith filled, I could go on. Lately I have been able to get on the water and begin my training trips as a guide, which really excites me...it has been intimidating at times, especially being the only female guide in this outfitter. Rafting is a lot different up here than what I am use to at home, so is the clientele. Today I have a trip, that puts me at 11 training runs, only 4 more to go!!
Coming up here has granted me a lot of opportunities and has refreshed me in areas that needed to be revived. I really have seen the simplicity of being a Christ follower, not necessarily simple in task, but the simplicity of just allowing the gifts God has given me to burst forth. There is no standard or protocol that I have to abide by to be accepted as His daughter- I can just be me! Romans tells us that if we have certain gifts, just do them and do them well. Really? I just have to be me and utlize the gifts and passions God engraved on my heart? YES! I love to encourage people, Paul tells me in Romans that if you have the gift of encouragement, then encourage others. I know that I have setbacks and things that don't look how Christ looks but I understand that God is with me, He is always moving forward- thus I am moving forward. "I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives, but He who lives in me", you can't undo a crucifixtion, scars from that moment still reside. His grace is certainly sufficient and as I continue to fixate myself upon him, new life and healing take place.
Scripture has come alive to me in ways I have never experienced before. I have never doubted the truth in God's word, but to receive it and truly believe what it promises is a whole new dynamic. My theme for this venture is Phil. 4:13, "I can do ALL thing through Christ who strengthens me." I have applied that to every challenge or fear that I have faced up here and the results have been incredible. haha, I sound like a weight loss infomerical...what can I say, it's the truth. I've heard Phil. 4:13 countless times and always considered it, now, the impossible has become the possible, which in all reality, ever since I did give my life over to God's will- my life has been so much more enriched by the "impossible". I am coming down to the wire up here, only a month left. I pray that I can leave people here with the hope that has been given so freely to me...it's not religion, it's not ritual but a relationship with Christ.

Before I share my point of view, let me iterate that it is merely that, my point of view. Take from it what you will, even disagree if you will, but I want to offer an idea from a perspective that I have taken. Karma, essentially in the abbreviated form, is the notion that what goes around comes around, that an individual is bound to reap the consequences of even the smallest action. In theory, I agree with this idea, there is a Biblical undertone to this for the Bible states that, “you will reap what you sow”.
Here is where my interjection comes into play- although, I concur that our actions do have consequences whether good or bad, the idea of karma possesses more of an internal focus. Granted, I am not delving into the intricacies and all the undertones of karma because there are many facets of it that I am not going to cover. The general western public who use this term and adopt this philosophy though view karma more in the loose sense so that is what I am addressing.
Walk through this with me, think about it, under the doctrine of karma you are bound by your actions, which in theory could offer a sort of accountability but the motives behind good doing is more of a selfish reason. Do good so good things will fall upon you; do bad and bad things will fall upon you. You’re left with only two options, so any self-proclaiming karmic follower of course would and should choose to live a life of good deeds in order to live a life of prosperity and good fortune (not necessarily in the monetary sense). The unfortunate thing about this matter is that no one is fully good despite our best of intentions. One mistake, one fault, etc… can easily cancel out a lifetime of good deeds- it’s daunting how quickly life or people can turn on you for the decisions you make. The Bible says that we are all punishable by death for the sins that we have committed and remember that in the eyes of God, there is no degree of sin. If you break the law, you are a lawbreaker, doesn’t matter which law it is. Now, the consequences for said sin may look differently as it would in any justice system, but sin is sin- no matter how great or how small. Since each one of us has in some way committed a less than virtuous deed in our lives, we should all be subjected (under the law of karma) to have bad things come our way. So when misfortune comes your way, you are stuck looking down the line of your life trying to determine the moment in history that provoked such an occurrence, when in actuality sometimes things happen in life that we cannot explain that no one provoked.
Grace is loosely defined as unmerited favor, a manifestation of favor, mercy or a pardon. Grace is the act of pardoning ones sin or actions based merely on love and favor- grace speaks on your behalf even when you’re in the wrong. Have you ever been in a circumstance where you know you’ve screwed up big time? You know it, everyone around you knows it but you didn’t get the punishment you deserved or thought you deserved- that is grace my friend. Don’t confuse grace and justice, God is very serious about justice, He isn’t called a Judge for nothing. We see grace though in the form of Christ, “For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ” Romans 5:17. I’ve committed a lot of “stupid” in my life- in some cases I have had to reap the penalty for those actions, but at times, I’ve been able to experience the beauty of grace in Christ, not just in eternal life but in everyday life. I’ve been in car accidents that I should have probably died in. I’ve hurt people who should have never talked to me again. I have behaved in ways that counteract the Christ that I love and took shape in hypocrisy. I could go on and on, but what it boils down to, I am grateful for this grace I have accepted. Everyone has it whether they accept it as grace or not, you may not see it as the person it is, but it’s there. Whether you like it or not, you would not be able to live without it operating in your life, otherwise the burdens of life would consume you.
Now I live my life on the courtesy of grace- not out of obligation or out of the notion I am going to get something out of it or because it's some right of passage but simply because of God’s love and unmerited favor. I serve people out of gratitude because I can walk in the freedom knowing that there is nothing that I can or cannot do that will separate me from the love of God. So there you have it, my view towards the subject, like I previously mentioned take from it what you will. Just remember, karma is a supernatural idea…it is an ideology that the powers of the universe and cosmos are out to get you due to the things you do, good or bad. If you can believe in that supernatural power, then maybe the supernatural is not just an obscene thought. Grace has given me opportunities that I don’t deserve, people I don’t deserve and so much more…and I never saw any of them coming! And it is from that gratitude I have due to grace that helps me from returning to old ways and patterns and provokes me to serve others. All I can say is you’re missing out if you’re not living a life on grace.
“God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant. “Romans 5:20
“And since it is through God’s kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God’s grace would not be what it really is—free and undeserved” Romans 11:6
“Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
The other morning, after our first night at raft camp, I am enjoying my breakfast with a fellow coworker in the cook shack. Along comes in one of our old timers who does maintenance around camp. He proceeds to sit down at the table with Kevin and I, greeting us both and offering an introduction to me. After our introduction, he asks me what my job was going to be for the summer. I inform him that my ultimate goal was to be a guide before the season is up, but until that time I was going to be driving the bus and working in the office. His response: "Nope, you don't have the upper body strength." As one would guess, my expression went from excited to "oh no you didn't!" real fast. I told him that with practice, I was confident in my ability to do the job. That response was followed by him challenging me to an arm wrestling match to prove my "upper body strength" abilities and then pretty much left after my refusal. My coworker just looked at me, wide-eyed to see my response because he was in shock as well at my encounter.
I got to thinking later that day and thought about how if my identity wasn't rooted in Christ and in the Word of God, I could let discouraging comments or remarks like that form my opinion of myself. The Bible says "I can do ALL things THROUGH CHRIST who gives me STRENGTH" Philippians 4:13 I am not going to listen to the opinions of those whose remarks are not rooted in the Word of God. I know who I am...I know my identity...I know what my Father in Heaven says about me. I encourage you as well to take a look at Scripture anytime someone speaks their opinion over you, just remember who you are to your Creator. Keep this idea in mind the next time you spout your feelings about someone> Make sure what you're saying is in line with what Scripture says (don't worry, I am working on that one myself...I think it will be a lifelong process). "Life and death are in the power of the tongue" so speak life and speak truth over people! Here is a little cheat sheet I found online regarding Scriptures referring to your identity in Christ...use it, pray it, BELIEVE IT! http://encouragingbiblequotes.com/verses2a.html
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7:52 PM
Welp, finally we have arrived at raft camp where we will spend the duration of our summer! It is a sweet set up for sure, we all have our own rooms and they do have heat...praise the Lord! We are still waiting for the water to get turned on in the shower house, but thankfully the Chevron up the road has decent shower accommodations for three bucks a shower. Not too shabby...they also have wi-fi and laundry, which is nice considering neither are up and working quite at camp currently. Life at camp certainly is not as primitive as I had imagined, especially in comparison to what I've seen in Idaho, we are very well taken care of here.
I do have to say, it is a bit nerve racking going for jogs around the area though. It's not abduction by strangers that you have to be weary of, yet animals that will eat or charge you! haha, mainly moose...bears generally keep to themselves around here. I went running yesterday and found myself taking a turn another way due to a couple of moose up ahead...and I was running along the main highway!! Here are some photos of life at camp...

Here are a few pictures from our swift water training courses. We all had to wear dry suits because of the frigid temperatures. Unfortunately, being a newer raft connoisseur I have little to no proper water wear. So I have to use what would be given to the customers (custy wear), so I look like a gaper, but hey function over fashion right? Now I can sympathize with the snowboarders who don't have money for all the newest and fashionable gear and who get labeled as a gaper, lol. I am not in that same category when it c
omes to white water...
I've got the big life vest, with a dry suit that would puff up, old school helmet and a pair of tennis shoes that were borrowed and falling apart...stylin :) Enjoy!
Finished up our first week in a half of training and certifications, it's been a long week but an exciting one at that. Like I said in my last post, we are in the Chugach region close to the Kenai Peninsula, still have yet to make it up to Healy where the duration of my summer will be. As of yesterday, I am certified in Wilderness Responder, ETT (Emergency Trauma Technician), Advanced First Aid/CPR and Swift Water Rescue. Productive week I would have to say!
Swift Water Rescue was quite an exciting class to take and not an easy one at that. It is astounding how strong a river current is, truly not a force to reckon with or to take lackadaisically. It is not an uncomplicated task to rescue someone from swift water, especially in class 3+ rapids. So people, be smart when you're in swift moving water...even the Boise river has potential for danger. I know I can hear you laughing already, but I am not kidding, you can get yourself in some potential life threatening situations. We had a photographer getting photos of the action, so once I snag a few I'll post them.
Here's a food for thought: In our wilderness responder class, we were talking about how to react upon approaching a bear or wild animal. Of course, everyone has their advice or techniques that they say work with fending off a wild animal. Our instructor, who has lived in Alaska for a majority of his life, has encroached upon many of wild animals and he said the thing that he has found that works the best is to establish yourself as an alpha animal. Do not back down in fear or run away, but assert your dominance. He explained that alpha animals usually do not attack other alpha animals, so when you assert yourself as one and if you do not pose a threat to them, generally they continue on their way. ( helpful hint, do not look a bear directly in the eye because it means you are challenging them)
Whether, this tactic is effective for everyone, that could be debatable, but it did remind me of what God established in Genesis chapter one. When God created man and woman, he told them this, "be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every other creature that moves on the ground." This got my ticker thinking that maybe we should take this Biblical commandment to heart. If God's first words to man was that of Him establishing man's dominion over all living creatures then maybe we can take to heart that He meant it. Now, I am not advocating that you be proactive in finding alpha, aggressive wild animals and have an old western showdown with them, that's where I do believe natural selection will take it's place, lol. But, if you find yourself in a situation that is less than desirable with a wild animal, maybe allow God's word to sit in the back of your mind, practical application could surprise you. ;)
"There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures that Chuck Norris has allowed to live."

Well...here I am...in grand ol' Alaska!! It's been pretty up and go the entire time I've been here. Arrived in Anchorage on Friday, where I took a cab to another guide's house, where I got to meet three of my co workers. We had to wait for the rest of the crew to meet us so we could all head out to the Chugach region where we have our Wilderness Rescue and Swift Water training. Anchorage, honestly wasn't too impressive, although I didn't really get the chance to explore. It wasn't until our decent to the southern regions where the scenery overtook me! Huge, encapsulating mountains with razor sharp tops surrounding you on every side. Still capped with snow and looking prime in the sunlight for some board slashing. Cornices left and right, with steep landings...looked amazing, but in all actuality, I would probably kill myself trying to ride terrain like that!!
The crew all seems great so far, I think we are going to get along very well. It's great how a job like this literally gathers people from all over the country. Most of my coworkers are all from the eastern to southern coast, so I may come home with a bit of an accent. There are some characters on the crew, so the entertainment shouldn't be in short supply. About a dozen of us have all been sharing limited space in a cook shack for the past few days and will be here the rest of the week. Needless to say, it's been a symphony of snoring at night. Once we get to camp up in Healy we'll get our own rooms and living space, so it will be nice to have some away time and privacy. Don't get me wrong, the bonding time has been memorable to say the least.
Wilderness Rescue courses have been really interesting and informative, it's amazing what the human body does or can endure! We are truly intricate beings..."hand knitted in our mother's wombs...fearfully and wonderfully made." It is great learning about how to assess situations that may come up medically, instead of being a bystander waiting for help to come. Not that I will be an expert by the time this course is over, but I have more awareness of what to do and how to treat accidents. This weekend we have swift water rescue, I am nervous about the water. We will be wearing dry suits but it's a still going to be really cold!! Hopefully the sun will hold up like it has been the last couple of days.
Yesterday we went to Mile Thirteen and walked along a beach. The tide was really low so we could walk far out on the sand. The mountains followed along the water and straight walls of shale rock cliffs sat along the beach with cave nooks scattered throughout. We built a small campfire where one of my coworkers ate a half eaten hotdog that he found on the ground...all for a beer. Think what you want on that one... All in all, it's been a great trip thus far, it certainly feels like I have been here longer than just 4 days. On another positive note, I hear I'll be making some great money this summer and get as much work as I personally want.
A little something that struck me during class was during the introduction, the instructor was talking about decision making and he said "people don't like to make decisions. When people make decisions, it opens them up to error and criticism." Ponder that and take an introspective look in your own life, asking yourself what decisions haven't you made for the better because of fear of opinion...just a thought! And remember, behind every success there have been many failures, so don't let failures or people discourage you...run the race!
Until my next in
stallment I bid you all farewell...
Less than two weeks and counting til I head off to the north! I thought about creating a blog to document such a new and exciting time in my life, with the notion that someone may like to follow along in my discoveries. Instead of creating another blog simply for a season of my life, I thought I just might revive this one. I miss this past time of writing out my thoughts and inspirations for all of the virtual world to see and articulate, hopefully I can refuel this passion throughout the summer.
As some of you already know, I am leaving for Alaska on April 30th, 2010 at 6:50 am. Anyone who has spent any amount of time with me or reads my facebook updates has been bombarded with constant talk of AK. I will be living in Healy right near the Denali National Park and will be raft guiding throughout the summer. The company I will be working for is Nenana Rafting Adventures. This move highlights many firsts for me: my first big move on my own, first year raft guide and first time setting foot in AK! Naturally, you can imagine the cornucopia of emotions I am going through- mostly excitement, I always love new challenges and adventures coupled with new places to experience. The anal retentive in me is nervous about finances, home sickness, my uncertainty of how to do the job and so on. Yet, I am confident in the fact that I have always been a hard worker, I still have a place to call home and I have a Father who always provides and is my strength. I'll have Dylan up there with me and he really is a big encourager of mine and supports me- he never allows me to think less of myself, in anything. His brother Jon and girlfriend Kristen live in the area as well so it will be nice to have a familiar face around.
It's crazy that I am not going to be spending a summer in Boise, I really love this city and state. I can say that in all honesty, it's hard not to love! It's weird, for the first time in a long time, I am not going to be able to follow through with some of my summer favorites. Idaho is the first place in my life where I finally got to put in roots, so it's unfamiliar having to separate myself again. I think this is good for me, ideally I want to travel the world and this is just the place to start. It's good that I am breaking out of my comfort zone and routines to go and experience something new and refreshing.
Some things I am going to miss: my family, friends and church family (although I've got ya on podcast Pastor Ken). Church camp (seriously, it'll change your life), CDI (my fav snow event of the year), softball (Go Hopps!!), Ashley/Jason's wedding and Ashley/David's wedding (congrats to all of you!), girls outdoor group (you girls are a blast), days at the park and on the river (have to hang up the crocodile this summer), GCD (it's gonna explode this summer!) and so much more....
Some things I am looking forward to: learning a new trade (and hopefully learning to kayak too), Salmon fishing, the gorgeous scenery, meeting new people and seeing new things, breaking out of routines and comforts, less distractions, growing deeper in my faith, hopefully making a good chunk of change, reading some great books, the outdoors and who knows what else!
I will be periodically updating this blog with the latest events, updates, stories, revelations, you name it. Some more frequently than others, I hope that this provides an opportunity to still be connected and share my new experiences with those I love. I ask, for those who believe in the power of prayer to really commit to praying for me this summer- I know how vital it is. Pray anything from finances to health to "just learning to laugh" in all circumstances (advice my grandma gave me the other day). Thank you all for being big supporters of this venture in my life...can't wait to share it all with you!