Last Days in the Last Frontier
Posted by simplisticthoughts , Wednesday, August 11, 2010 8:44 AM
The gap from my time up here til my departure is dwindling each day and reality is assuredly setting in. At times, the monotony of work can easily cause me to forget exactly where I am living. Alaska is unlike any other place in the world, especially in the United States. From its limited road system, limited indoor plumbing and running water to the active volcanoes, glaciers, animal population, etc... it truly fits its title "The Last Frontier". I have stopped myself on occasion to simply be still and allow the mountains and scenery around me to captivate my senses, at that moment, I am filled with absolute awe- its completely mind blowing and I haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg yet(no pun intended, lol). I have learned and experienced a lot on my journey in the far north, an experience that will never be forgotten.
The other day, I was helping an elderly gentleman out of his dry suit who seemed a bit absent minded and was traveling solo- I asked him if he enjoyed his raft trip and was enjoying Alaska. He looked me kindly in the eyes and spoke with pure contentment and told me that this was a check off his bucket list. We have many "bucket listers" up here and the guides kind of joke about that term, but what it really means are people's dreams being fulfilled. It's a beautiful thing to look into the eyes of someone who accomplished a life-long dream. I wouldn't say that coming to Alaska is a check off my bucket list, but it certainly was an opportunity afforded to me that many people only dream of and for that I am truly blessed and filled with a sense of gratitude. I definitely want to come back to explore more of this incredible state- it offers so much and with its massive size, it really could take a life time to see all of it- maybe that will be something for my bucket list.
I really wanna thank all the wonderful people I had the opportunity to meet and get to know. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of your life- all of you will forever have a special place in my heart. This season of life certainly has been the beginning markings for more doors to open and has allotted me the confidence to make those first steps!
Glad to hear people are actually pursuing their "bucket list" dreams and not letting life slip by! I commend them! There really is no place like will stay in your soul forever!