
Up, up and away

Posted by simplisticthoughts , Sunday, April 18, 2010 9:49 PM

Less than two weeks and counting til I head off to the north! I thought about creating a blog to document such a new and exciting time in my life, with the notion that someone may like to follow along in my discoveries. Instead of creating another blog simply for a season of my life, I thought I just might revive this one. I miss this past time of writing out my thoughts and inspirations for all of the virtual world to see and articulate, hopefully I can refuel this passion throughout the summer.

As some of you already know, I am leaving for Alaska on April 30th, 2010 at 6:50 am. Anyone who has spent any amount of time with me or reads my facebook updates has been bombarded with constant talk of AK. I will be living in Healy right near the Denali National Park and will be raft guiding throughout the summer. The company I will be working for is Nenana Rafting Adventures. This move highlights many firsts for me: my first big move on my own, first year raft guide and first time setting foot in AK! Naturally, you can imagine the cornucopia of emotions I am going through- mostly excitement, I always love new challenges and adventures coupled with new places to experience. The anal retentive in me is nervous about finances, home sickness, my uncertainty of how to do the job and so on. Yet, I am confident in the fact that I have always been a hard worker, I still have a place to call home and I have a Father who always provides and is my strength. I'll have Dylan up there with me and he really is a big encourager of mine and supports me- he never allows me to think less of myself, in anything. His brother Jon and girlfriend Kristen live in the area as well so it will be nice to have a familiar face around.

It's crazy that I am not going to be spending a summer in Boise, I really love this city and state. I can say that in all honesty, it's hard not to love! It's weird, for the first time in a long time, I am not going to be able to follow through with some of my summer favorites. Idaho is the first place in my life where I finally got to put in roots, so it's unfamiliar having to separate myself again. I think this is good for me, ideally I want to travel the world and this is just the place to start. It's good that I am breaking out of my comfort zone and routines to go and experience something new and refreshing.

Some things I am going to miss: my family, friends and church family (although I've got ya on podcast Pastor Ken). Church camp (seriously, it'll change your life), CDI (my fav snow event of the year), softball (Go Hopps!!), Ashley/Jason's wedding and Ashley/David's wedding (congrats to all of you!), girls outdoor group (you girls are a blast), days at the park and on the river (have to hang up the crocodile this summer), GCD (it's gonna explode this summer!) and so much more....

Some things I am looking forward to: learning a new trade (and hopefully learning to kayak too), Salmon fishing, the gorgeous scenery, meeting new people and seeing new things, breaking out of routines and comforts, less distractions, growing deeper in my faith, hopefully making a good chunk of change, reading some great books, the outdoors and who knows what else!

I will be periodically updating this blog with the latest events, updates, stories, revelations, you name it. Some more frequently than others, I hope that this provides an opportunity to still be connected and share my new experiences with those I love. I ask, for those who believe in the power of prayer to really commit to praying for me this summer- I know how vital it is. Pray anything from finances to health to "just learning to laugh" in all circumstances (advice my grandma gave me the other day). Thank you all for being big supporters of this venture in my life...can't wait to share it all with you!

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