The Proposal (better than the movie)
Posted by simplisticthoughts , Monday, September 10, 2012 9:23 PM
Okay, okay if the social network world has not yet been bombarded with the news of our engagement, here's another piece to add to the pie. You annoyed yet? Probably, but we are getting asked about the details of how the proposal came to fruition so what better way to divulge the gossip other than another social networking site?
Friday, September 7th marked our one-year anniversary and it was bestowed upon Matt to plan our date for the evening. He already revealed to me that the origin of the date was going to take place up at Bogus Basin (Boise's hottest local ski resort). We both have history up there, for I have worked on the mountain for ten years now and we have also had other dates on the patio of the Pioneer Lodge, watching meteor showers and engaging in wonderful conversation. Now mind you, I had in the back of my head that this could be the night of a proposal but the one thing that had me a bit hung up was the issue of a ring. I did not know how he could afford a ring, because for those of you who know us, this summer has been a time of excruciating job hunting (which ended successfully by the way), but I knew he did not have the finances to purchase a ring yet, little did I know, he's had the ring since February!! So, Friday afternoon Matt picks me up in good chivalric fashion and we ascend the mountain to our destination: the Pioneer Lodge.
We park and walk around the side of the lodge to go up on the back patio and much to my surprise, at the foot of the stairs, awaits our friend David Glick, dressed to kill (he's single ladies). He escorts us to the patio where a table was set with linens, wine/water glasses, silverware, wild flowers, the whole works. We are both given two pre-made menus describing what the 3-meal course would consist of, along with a bottle of wine. David waited generously on us, bringing us our food and taking our dishes; a great server indeed! Tiramisu was brought out for dessert, as I chomp down my first few bites, I happen to glance over to where the stairs meet the patio only to find a familiar face: my Beagle Chester!! In his delight, he runs over to me for a warm embrace all the while I notice a ribbon adorned around his neck along with a bow tie. In my disbelief I feel the ribbon to find a ring attached to the end. As I turn around, I see Matt smiling and he asks me to stand while he gets on one knee. Right as he is about to propose I glance over and see his wonderful sister-in-law Steph filming the whole scene. As I say yes to the man of my dreams, Steph comes over (who is a professional photographer, check her out on fb @ Stefani Marie Photography) and takes several shots of our special moment. Our friend Kody was in on the plot as well, helping as the animal tamer and all along I felt bad thinking David had to hang out by himself while we ate! ha!
As the sun set, Steph got some photos of us on the Bitterroot Chair lift and our friends left us to celebrate and soak up this monumental time in our lives! He definitely planned well and it was a proposal so unique to us and to who I am as a person. Matt said he knew he had to incorporate Chester and Bogus into the proposal somehow, well, you did great babe and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
