
You're Pretty Good for a Girl!!!

Posted by simplisticthoughts , Thursday, October 30, 2008 12:24 PM

So lately I have heard this statement more so than usual, because for some odd reason if a girl can keep up in a sport that is considered predominately a male sport then she is "pretty good for a girl". People we live in the 21st century and I think that some woman have proved themselves to sincerely pown the opposite sex in sports in every arena. I hear these statements anytime that I go skating, snowboarding or play football- you know what? I like these sports and yes I know that guys are just trying to be complimentary when saying they recognize that talent, but maybe we could word it a bit differently. How about "wow, you are really good at that. I wish I was as cool as you or as talented as you." lol Guys step aside because there are some girls stepping up in the sports arena and quite frankly some of them are going to leave you in the dust with their skills. So show some respect, honor them for their talent not their gender. Don't try to belittle their talents by saying they are only as good as their gender allows them to be. Now here's a chic who dominates!!

3 Response to "You're Pretty Good for a Girl!!!"

Anonymous Says:

haha the reason why Men don't say you're really good at that is simple. you arent, but for a Girl you are decent. kind of a like a kid brother but not., u can kinda keep with the rest of the guys, and maybe do some decent stuff, but to say you are good.. well that would be lying. now I am not saying all women aren't good at sports here, cause by all means i know some can whip me, but we call those man beasts, abnormal, roid ragers, or Helgas!!

simplisticthoughts Says:

So what are you saying I'm not good at huh??

Francesca Wilson Says:

Weird Dude. Remember this weird thing called Myspace from back when we were children? I wrote a blog post like 20 years ago about this same thing. Check it out:

Then I went on to do a series of art with the same title about women succeeding in male dominated sports and careers.

I also found a great book written by Tina Basich called 'Pretty good for a girl' ironically titled since she is pretty much one of the burliest man-chick riders I have ever seen. But, it's a good (and short) read if you are interested.