You're Pretty Good for a Girl!!!
Posted by simplisticthoughts , Thursday, October 30, 2008 12:24 PM

So the past few months has been an exquiste testimony of the greatness and perfection of God's timing! It has been quite a display that putting it into words is nearly impossible, but yet it is a testimony that is worthy of sharing. Timing and patience has always been a struggle which I could probably vouch for most of us in this area, especially in such a culture that begs for the here and now! Gimme gimme!! I certainly fall into this unfortunate group many times, I like to consider myself zealous but really, I am an idiot LOL. Despite trying to rush the process of God in my life, He still has such an unique way of slowing down my mind and zeal, whether it be through people in my life who balance me out, or His voice just ushering me to keep still and wait. Ugh wait!! LOL For instance, my first year interns, I wanted to skip my second year and start a fresh at BSU. I wanted to move into the dorms, start some stellar small groups, get involved on campus and basically turn the place over to Jesus. All of these seem like noble deeds, I mean my intentions were in the right place but God had different plans in mind. That year, I went to Generation Conference in Seattle and heard a powerful message from Bishop T.D. Jakes. He spoke of David and how the prophet Samuel told David that he was to become King, yet David went back to being a shepard that day. In fact, it took David quite some time before he ever took hold of his inheritance. He was chased for years by the current King due to King Saul's jealousy and David's best friend was even killed. Eventually, David found himself, in the right time, on the throne. The Bishop also went on to talk about arrows- how they have a time where they are in reserve in the pack, not really going anywhere, then they pulled out of reserve only to be pulled back by the bow. This is the stage where most of us have a hard time, instead of moving forward and pursuing our destiny it seems as God has taken us back. This is where you must be careful, because if you only allow yourself to be pulled back a little bit, the arrow will not go very far but through perseverance and testing, the farther you get pulled back, they farther you will soar!!! That was the Word that convinced me of doing another year of interns, which looking back now, I can not imagine not having that extra year of delving into God's Word.
In that second year, I found my fit in ministry and life, I met people who profoundly shaped my life and vice versa and I was equipped in ways that I can not even explain. Let me share of few testimonies of God's favor when you just step out in faith, no matter how dismal the outcome may appear. My first year interns, God spoke to me about starting a snowboard ministry- it combined the very things I was most passionate about: Christ, people and snowboarding! So I did, only one person was a faithful helper and establisher with it, a certain Dan Dunson (thx brother). And let me tell you, at that time, he was last person who I thought would fulfill such a role, but the Lord told me him specifically and despite my qualms, I listened and it paid off! By the way, it has been amazing seeing Dan grow into such a radical man of God. Now we are in the 3rd year of the ministry and God has been hooking us up in such a BIG way and a lot sooner than I anticipated. We have more people who are all passionate men and women of God who share the vision and passion. We have some amazing contacts with pro companies and riders, plus we just got local sponsorship to give free product to kids. Oh and get this, during our second year of the ministry I needed to talk with one of the PR administrators at Bogus, so I asked my supervisor who I would need to contact. He told me that I needed to talk to Jennifer Johnson and gave me her number. Well I get off work and hitch hike down the hill- a lady picks me up and we get to chatting. She told me how she never gets to come up to the mountain to ski because she works in the valley so much. It turned out that she worked for Bogus in the corporate office and told me her name is Jennifer. Yup, you guessed it! It was the very Jennifer I had just talked to my supervisor about and needed to talk to, so I got to spend the entire car ride with her asking her all the things I needed to know! Coincidence? More like divine...that sort of stuff just does not happen all too often.
Just this weekend I got laid off from Micron, which was an answer to prayer! This summer, I was praying about whether or not to leave Micron and work full time with Bogus this winter because I wanted to be more involved with the community and ministry. One day in service, my pastor asks if there was anyone who was facing job decisions and said he wanted to pray for them. Well of course I responded and a week later I am up backpacking and I had a dream that I got laid off at Micron. Which it was strange that I was laid off in my dream because Micron was not even talking about laying anyone off at the time. When I woke up, I asked God if that was a dream from Him or if it was something that my subconscience conjured up. Well here we are a few months down the road and I am laid off from Micron, with a sweet severance package that will sustain me til the coming snow season where I will be working full time. Plus this money enables me to get caught up on bills and even get moved into a sweet new apartment which is giving us a killer discount on our first three months of renting!!! I could continue on and on and share with you about the awesome breakthroughs that I have experienced but this blog would turn into a novel!
All of this has brought me to a point of realization that timing is everything. God is so specific in His timing and if we are not tuned into what that timing is we are going to miss out on so much! I can not imagine the predicament I would of been in if I had quit Micron previously like I wanted to. I can not imagine going to school now without that extra year of interns and I can not imagine what GC Snow would look like if I did not believe in certain people and stayed with it even when things did not happen as fast as I wanted. Gosh, how it is so NOT about me! The choices I make not only effect me, but effect those around me. That's why it is so important to submit ourselves to the timing of God. I keep quoting it but "it's the good things in life that keep us from the best things in life." -P. Mark Francey. If you could get $1,000 today or $1,000,000 at the end of the week, which would you forfeit? Timing, timing, timing...I still screw this concept up, but I am learning and I am tuning myself into the will of the Father as I progress in my faith. So my advice to you is to submit yourself to the One who created you- He is the author and finisher of our faith, so if He writes it then maybe, just maybe there is a plot that is meant to unfold and it is probably in your best interest to discover that plot! Ecclesiastes 3