Whoa! I got married!
Posted by simplisticthoughts , Monday, March 25, 2013 3:50 PM
So, as many of you all are well informed of by now, Matt and I got married December 29, 2012. After almost three months of pure wedded bliss (I know, we are old timers now), I realized I never did a wedding blog. I know, I know, sharing endless Facebook posts and pictures during the time wasn't enough to satisfy me nor did I think it was satisfying enough for you, the readers of this highly popularized blog. Although I kid around, I really do have some remarks regarding the experience of the whole night. Matt and I both realized our wedding day was the wedding we never thought we would want to have. We considered the whole court house wedding, not out of disdain for our family and friends, but we are both pretty laid back people, who didn't want to make a huge fuss over our decision to marry. Plus we did not want to impose the financial burden upon anyone. After talks with family (my mom), we decided to have an actual ceremony. I wanted the ceremony and reception to be relatively simple and I did not want it to cost a fortune. I personally think weddings are stupid expensive!
Once the wedding planning process unfolded, Matt and I were astonished by the support we received from so many people. People all over the place, offered time, money and talent to help with our wedding. We were so overwhelmed with gratitude. We knew these people loved us, but it really shows you the amount of love people have when they are willing to personally sacrifice in some way for you! I want to thank some of those people at the end, even though, almost all of them have already received a thank you card, I want to publicly recognize their efforts.
Star Barn is the venue we decided upon, because of its size and cost and it turned out to be a perfect venue, even for a winter wedding. My mother was the mastermind behind a majority of the decor and she did wonderfully. See, I was in school full time and trying to plan a wedding in four months (yes, I did that to myself) but she kicked butt in keeping me organized and on top of things. When the day did arrive, everything came together beautifully! I kept telling myself to not stress over the details but trust that all would fall into place and it did. It even began to snow as I was awaiting my grand entrance, that to me, was a little gift from heaven. Nothing could replace the love and experience of that night. Getting to be surrounded by those I love so much and getting to become the wife to the man of my dreams was a literal dream come true. And for those who have known me for quite some time, know that I was never the girl to plan my wedding or dream about my husband--this all was truly the night I never knew I wanted.
Special Thanks:
My parents: for all the support (financial and emotional), the wedding planning, letting me live with you guys while I was engaged and all the hard work you two put in. Love you so much!! This includes you Pat & Judy :)
Josh & Steph: for all the pictures you took Steph, for buying the meat for the wedding and helping with set up/tear down. And Jim and Josh for building our beautiful trellis!
Jack & Laury: Laury for making that beautiful cake and for your guys' help with buying the meat and help with set up/tear down.
Wade & Jody: for praying over us during communion and helping set up/tear down
Sean & Jess: for helping set up and tear down and Jess for being a bridesmaid
Jordan & Jess: for all your help throughout the process and Jess for doing hair for the bridesmaids.
Jake: for doing our marriage counseling and officiating our wedding
Randy: for helping the wedding weekend, you kicked butt with the details!!
Lori & Daria: For making all the bouquets for the bridesmaids and hosting the rehearsal dinner, all out of your own pocket. And your neighbors for helping.
Darrel & Heidi: for catering our reception and paying for all the side dishes!
Brittaney: for your help doing hair and helping with the details
Katy: for making all the invitations
Steve: for buying the keg for the reception
Marte: for praying over us during communion
Sarah T.: for making all my bridesmaids wonderful little gifts, they loved them!
and of course, all of our wonderful bridesmaids and groomsmen--you all were so wonderful and helpful with the whole thing. We love you all so much! And thank you to everyone else who helped, big or small, and came to our wedding. You made our day!! We could not invite everyone we wanted but we love you all too! Now, Costa Rican honeymoon in May! Stay tuned...