A Birthday Declaration To My Love
Posted by simplisticthoughts , Monday, June 18, 2012 6:11 PM
MattAs you reach the age of 30, it is common for one to reflect on the past thirty years of life. No longer a twenties something, yet coming into a decade of what I consider establishment. I believe this is going to be a dynamic year for you and in many ways it already has been. This spring you finally finished the milestone of graduating college, not in underwater basket weaving but in Electrical Engineering, in which you should take immense pride in for this was no easy task. As your in the pursuit of finding your fit in the vast expanses of the career world, do not be discouraged. Economists and media project gloomy forecasts of unemployment rates and tough job markets, but there is something different for those who put their trust in Christ and in His Word. As a believer, you are not subject to circumstance, you are to practice faith. God has not put in you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind, so even in the midst of darkness He has provided you with a lamp to guide your path. I know you are frustrated in some of life's circumstances, but today as I was thinking of you, God placed Jeremiah 29 on my heart and despite its continued use within Christian circles, it is a promise from God. His plans for you Matthew are for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope and as you seek Him earnestly, you will find Him. Do not let any clouds of frustration limit God's capacity and ability to move mightily in this season and chapter of life. He will restore your fortunes and bring you to the place He has planned for you.
As for entering into the thirties, there are some things you should know (Biblically) about the age and number 30. As most of us know, Jesus began his ministry at the age of 30 but he was not the only one; King David and Joseph also came into leadership at the age of 30 as well. Thirty is represented in the Hebrew as the letter "lamed" which is an ox goad or staff symbolizing authority, leadership or rulership. I am declaring and believing this for you Matthew; I believe thirty is going to be a year that you will enter in a position of authority, leadership and rulership. You are going to have authority in the places you go, not by your own doing but given by God, in fact, you already possess more than you realize but I see it. People are drawn to you Matt, you walk with integrity, wisdom and love. You are authentic in how you live and serve God and you are genuine. I have had the privilege of having you as a best friend for over six years and a confidant for the past nine months. You are the one I want to "do" life with and as your name means "gift from God" I truly see you as my gift from God. Happy 30th birthday my love- your life is just getting kick started and I am honored to hit the ground running with you. Love you and I declare all this in the name of Jesus, Amen.