So I realized in my boredom at the office, that I never documented my treacherous encounter with a mighty grizzly bear, barely escaping death. Okay, so it wasn't that extreme, but it is still pen worthy.
About a month or so ago, several of my raft cohorts and I ventured off into the great Denali National Park in search of adventure, excitement and to mess with tourists. When I say mess with tourists, I mean, pulling off to the side of the road, getting out of the car and pointing out into the tundra as if an animal was in sight. We would do this as oncoming cars would come near and watch as they too would pull over to investigate what it was we were so excited about. We greeted these people with bursts of laughter because our plan had worked, people are so gullible, lol. I laugh because I know that I would fall for the same prank, I may be a seasonal employee but I really am just as much of a tourist as anyone else is, I mean, I too carry around a fanny pack up here. In the park, you can drive your own vehicle in as far as 15 miles to a turn out at Savage River- anything after that point you have to take a shuttle tour that the park offers. We parked at the turn out and took some of the hiking trails along the river. It was so gorgeous! So many colors- bright greens, lavenders, yellows... It was a great place to explore! Some went off on their own rogue adventure, while a few still stuck together.
Sara Mae, K.Lo and I walked along the river and we noticed a lone grizzly bear coming over the hill about 30 yards of where we were standing. A bit of panic sets in and all the training we had went out the window! lol Actually, mine and Sara's concern was the fact that her and I were both experiencing the female curse and all I could think about was that scene in Anchor Man where Brick says that females periods attract the bears...maybe he was right! haha! As soon as we sighted the bear, our coworker Flood pops his head up from a rock, waving at us completely unaware that a grizzly bear is literally standing right behind him. We motion for him to look behind him, and what does he do? Looks around, sees the bear and runs! Pretty much everything your NOT supposed to do. Sara Mae and I take the speed walkers position and tried to move as quickly as we could but without running. Picture the people you see in the morning, speed walking around the Boise Towne Square Mall...yeah, that was us. Sara Mae is yelling at K.Lo to get moving because he is more concerned about getting photos of the mighty beast than he is about his own personal's always the tourist taking the photos that gets mauled. This isn't a petting zoo people! The bear starts getting closer, but wasn't showing any signs of aggression yet more of a curiosity. Aggressive or not, I didn't want to give him the opportunity to show it if he so decided.
We got a safe distance away and pretty much left our other coworkers for dead, they were no where in sight. Apparently, Anthony and Noah hid behind a large boulder and Dylan, who was perched high above us, watched all of us scatter like a bunch of scared school girls...not knowing we encountered a bear though. We found Flood, he had practically ran all the way back to the car. Eventually, we all reconvened back at the car, everyone intact and with a great story to share. Here is one of the photos K.Lo was able to retrieve!

Yesterday, I got the incredible opportunity to go with a local flight tour company, Fly Denali, and witness the summit of Denali (which means "the Great One", also referred to as Mt. McKinley) first hand! The whole experience was so surreal and filled with favor. I got to go for free and they put me as co-pilot, I had a front seat view of the entire expedition. My heart was pumping as I crawled into that front seat, staring down at the control panels and steering wheel. Immediately I understood why people fall in love with flying, such an incredible feeling of freedom. I put my headphones on and felt as if I was a kid playing dress up and felt as if I could suddenly take control of the plane...don't worry, I didn't!
The engine fired up and we began down the runway to begin our journey, I was completely twitterpated!
I was so overwhelmed with excitement, I could hardly speak...I couldn't make conversation, everything I said sounded so mindless. In all honesty, I didn't really want to talk, I wanted to sit there and breathe in this experience; this once in a lifetime opportunity. As co-pilot though, I felt a bit obligated to say something, especially considering no one else was really saying much besides the pilot, who I sensed wanted some interaction to take place. Everyone I believe, was in the same state I was in...awe and amazement.
Denali soon began to show its glorious summit from a distance and anticipation was building...oh how I love the mountains, especially large, snow capped ones!! All of a sudden, there she was...razor sharp peaks, crevases left and right, crowns left from avalanches, footprints from previous expeditioners, layers of ice and many natural processes going on, plus Denali is still growing everyday! We flew around the mountain in each direction, hardly able to see all that it really is. I can only imagine the experience the climbers have, what a wonderful opportunity that would be to have such an intimate part of the mountain. I don't forsee that in my future, but who knows ;)
I was so blessed by this opportunity, it certainly will never be forgotten. I wanna thank those at Fly Denali, my pilot Trent and Leslie at Princess for hooking up this trip for me! God, you are in the details...what an awesome Creator you are!
It's been awhile since I have added an update...I know that you all have been eagerly awaiting another post and when I say all of you, I mean whoever reads this babbling nonsense :) A lot has happened within a short time span, I've learned a lot on so many different levels. I've been pushed, tested, discouraged, encouraged, faith filled, I could go on. Lately I have been able to get on the water and begin my training trips as a guide, which really excites has been intimidating at times, especially being the only female guide in this outfitter. Rafting is a lot different up here than what I am use to at home, so is the clientele. Today I have a trip, that puts me at 11 training runs, only 4 more to go!!
Coming up here has granted me a lot of opportunities and has refreshed me in areas that needed to be revived. I really have seen the simplicity of being a Christ follower, not necessarily simple in task, but the simplicity of just allowing the gifts God has given me to burst forth. There is no standard or protocol that I have to abide by to be accepted as His daughter- I can just be me! Romans tells us that if we have certain gifts, just do them and do them well. Really? I just have to be me and utlize the gifts and passions God engraved on my heart? YES! I love to encourage people, Paul tells me in Romans that if you have the gift of encouragement, then encourage others. I know that I have setbacks and things that don't look how Christ looks but I understand that God is with me, He is always moving forward- thus I am moving forward. "I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives, but He who lives in me", you can't undo a crucifixtion, scars from that moment still reside. His grace is certainly sufficient and as I continue to fixate myself upon him, new life and healing take place.
Scripture has come alive to me in ways I have never experienced before. I have never doubted the truth in God's word, but to receive it and truly believe what it promises is a whole new dynamic. My theme for this venture is Phil. 4:13, "I can do ALL thing through Christ who strengthens me." I have applied that to every challenge or fear that I have faced up here and the results have been incredible. haha, I sound like a weight loss infomerical...what can I say, it's the truth. I've heard Phil. 4:13 countless times and always considered it, now, the impossible has become the possible, which in all reality, ever since I did give my life over to God's will- my life has been so much more enriched by the "impossible". I am coming down to the wire up here, only a month left. I pray that I can leave people here with the hope that has been given so freely to's not religion, it's not ritual but a relationship with Christ.